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Introducing yourself

Dobro jutro, dober dan, dober veeer.

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

Živijo - adijo

Hello/hi - bye

Na svidenje.


Kako ste? Kako si?

How are you?

Jaz sem.../ Moje ime je...

I’m …/ My name is …

Prihajam iz...

I come from… / I’m from…

To je moj mož, žena, heerka, sin.

This is my husband, my wife, my daughter, my son.

Kako vam je ime?

What’s your name?

Od kod ste?

Where are you from?

Kam potujete?

Where are you going?

Lepo se imejte.

Have a nice day.

Koliko ste stari?

How old are you?




Asking for information

Kje je...?

Where is….?

Kako pridem do...?

How do I get to…?

Mi lahko pokažete pot do...?

Can you show me the way to…?

Kje je WC?

Where is the toilet?

Oprostite, mi lahko poveste...?

Excuse me, can you tell me…?

Kdaj se odpre muzej?

When does the museum open?

Kateri avtobus pelje v...?

Which bus goes to…?

Koliko stane...?

How much does it cost...?

Kje lahko menjam denar?

Where can I change money?

Kam pelje ta  cesta?

Where does this road lead/go?







one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

1., 2., 3., 4., 5.,


the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth

10, 20, 30 ..

ten, twenty, thirty

100, 200, 3000,

a hundred, two hundred, three hundred

1.000, 2.000, 3.000 ....

a thousand, two thousand, three thousand


a million

½, 1/3,

a half, a third

enkrat, dvakrat, trikrat ...

once, twice, three times



Ure, dnevi in meseci

Time, days and months

Koliko je ura?

What’s the time?

Ura je devet.

It’s nine o’clock.

Ura je štiri popoldan.

It’s 4 p.m. / It’s four o’clock in the afternoon.

Zjutraj / dopoldne, popoldne, zveeer,


In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening,

at night.

veeraj, danes, jutri

yesterday, today, tomorrow

Ponedeljek, torek, sreda, eetrtek, petek,

sobota, nedelja.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Januar, februar, marec, april, maj, junij, julij,

avgust, september, oktober, november, december.

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.





Kakšno je vreme?

What’s the weather like?

Ali bo deželo?

Is it going to rain?

Dežuje. Sneži. Piha veter. Soneno je.


It’s raining. It’s snowing. It’s windy. It’s sunny.

It’s thundering.

Toplo je.

It’s warm.

Kakšna je temperatura?

What is the temperature?

Kakšna je vremenska napoved za jutri?

What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?



Kako pridem v London?

How can I get to London?

Povratno/enosmerno vozovnico za ..

A single/return ticket to…

Odhodi - Prihodi

Departures - Arrivals


waiting room

avtobusna postaja, letališee, železniška postaja, pristanišee

bus stop, airport, railway station, port

podzemna železnica

the  underground / metro

eoln, ladja

a boat, a ship


a bus

osebni avtomobil

a car


a bike/bicycle


a taxi




At the hotel

Rezerviral sem/bi  sobo.

I’ve booked a room/I’d like to book a room.

Enoposteljna, dvoposteljna, z/brez kopalnice,

A single room, a double room, with/without bathroom

Imate še kaj prostega?

Do you have any vacancies?

Koliko stane polni penzion?

Koliko stane soba z zajtrkom?

Koliko stane polpenzion?

How much is a room with full board?

How much is bed and breakfast?

How much is a room with half board?